Rudi Rainbow - the Boy who Fell from the Clouds”, Children’s Book w/collage illustrations, CFP publishing Co., available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Indep. Book Sellers, & Museum Stores, May 2024.

Available in Japanese translation, late 2024.

Available In German translation, early 2025.

‘Under the Apple Blossom Tree’, painting, New York School of Art, 2023.

‘Interpretation‘ ,Tint Journal, painting, literary journal, Graz, Austria, 2022.

‘Longing ‘,Tint Journal, painting-acrylic, literary journal, Graz, Austria, 2022.

‘I Can’t Breathe’, painting, Bloomfield College, NJ, literary magazine, 2022.

‘Memoir of a Childhood - growing up in WWII’, art book, text & illustrated, 2023.

‘Rising from the Ashes‘, painting-mixed media 9/11 Commeration, Art Student League, 2021.

‘War’, painting-encaustic, Persimmontree, literary magazine, publ. 2021.

‘Cat Parade’, gouache, 36 cats, art book, 2021.

‘Kasperle’, text & illustrated, childhood puppet reappears, art book, 2021.

‘Creative Miniature Kimono Collection’, fabric-collage, art book, 2020.

‘When Daddy was a Boy’, text & illustrated, art book, 2020.

‘Memoir of a Childhood - growing up in WWII’, text & illustrated, 2020.

‘Glimpses of Nature’, photography, art-book.

‘Die Winterreise (Franz Schubert)’, translated & illustrated, art book.

‘The Disappearance of Orange’, poem & collage, art book.

‘Eco of a Marriage’, multi-media, art book.

‘An Ideal Childhood - first ten years’, poem.

‘Mornings in Florence’, photography.

‘Gardens in and around Oxford’, England, book of photos.

‘Oxford Experience’, book of photos.

‘The Artist’s Intimacy w/Nature’ - a 10-year retrospective’ solo exhibit,

Englewood Public Library, NJ.

‘The Artist’s Intimacy w’Nature’, collection of watercolor, art book.

‘Sea Grape Reflection’, lino-print, art book.

‘Petikins’, cat poem & photography.

‘Education Articles’, Japan Times, Tokyo.

‘Needlepoint on Plastic Canvas’ book of the month club, publ. by Charles Scribner’s.

‘Book Review - Lace Embroidery’, Ararat Magazine.

‘Craft Corner’- weekly column of art projects, Englewood News, NJ.